East Coast Forensic Hospital Strip Search Class Action
Valent Legal represents mentally ill patients of the East Coast Forensic Hospital in relation to an alleged unlawful and unconstitutional strip search which occurred hospital-wide on October 16, 2012. On that date, every patient of the hospital was round up and then systematically subjected to a strip search without any regard for their individual circumstances.
The class action alleges that the decision to subject all hospital patients to such a mass strip search to be a breach of these patients’ right not to be subjected to unreasonable search by the state, as guaranteed by section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
Updates & Latest Developments
The parties have reached a settlement of the East Coast Forensic Hospital Strip Search class action and the settlement has been fully administered. All approved claimants have been sent their awards and the applicable appeal deadline has passed.
For any questions, please contact Valent Legal.