100% Satisfaction Guarantee

90 day 100% satisfaction guarantee

Many lawyers make promises. They promise results which often they can’t deliver. It’s easy to be skeptical of these kinds of statements.

We are different than other injury law firms. We are client focused. The ultimate outcome is of course important (we’re good at what we do and get great results!) but equally important to us is for you to be "Wowed" by our client service.

Our Guarantee to You

At Valent Legal, we are more than confident in offering our clients a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

Here is how it works: If you are not completely satisfied with the legal service that we provide at our firm, or you are simply unhappy in the way we are handling your case, you can walk away any time within the first 90 days of our relationship – no questions asked!

Our 100% guarantee means that you won’t owe us anything at all. Nothing. No fees. No costs. No kidding.

Why We Offer This Guarantee

We hold ourselves to the highest standards. We know you have a choice of law firms and therefore have the right to assess our work. While we’re confident that we’ll exceed your expectations, if for some reason you are not satisfied, our 100 percent satisfaction guarantee eliminates your financial risk – you’ll be free to take your business elsewhere. That places all of the pressure on our firm to prove our effort is worth to you – not the other way around.

Take Our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If you are in the Halifax area, and are in need of help in a personal injury claim, contact us today! With our 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, our excellent reputation, and our promise to provide you with the very best customer service you'll find anywhere, you have little to lose – and, perhaps, everything to gain.

Free Consultation